Você é do tipo que não larga o celular nem na hora de dormir e acorda a qualquer som de notificação? Se sim, cuidado você deve estar com 'Sleep Texting' !

16/12/2013 17:12

The "Sleep Texting" can be a new syndrome that is spreading in the U.S. and around the world.

Research from Villanova University in the United States, revealed that it is increasingly common to young reply messages while they sleep. The text may not make sense or even the person remembers having it shipped, but the "Sleep Texting" is already a phenomenon among the new generation of college.

The study coordinator, Elizabeth Dowdell, was intrigued by the story of a student who said he had a habit of waking up at dawn to respond to messages. The teacher selected 300 students and interviewed them to see if this behavior was standard. About 35% of students said they had sent messages sleeping and 50% confessed that the smartphone has disrupted their sleep.

The premed student sleeps with mittens on each night. Mittens, to protect herself from her phone. To render her fingers unable to send those unconscious messages that are as embarrassing as they are senseless.

For the specialist in EOS Sleep Centers, Josh Werber, the most worrying are the young people who agree to answer notifications: "When we are not fully delivered to sleep, do not rest enough and this can affect our cognitive abilities," he explains.

Another survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project indicates that adolescents in the United States spend about an hour and a half a day texting by phone. One in three young people sends more than 100 messages daily. At least 4 out of every 5 students sleep with the phone next to the bed.

For those who have ever lost sleep because of the smartphone, Dowdell recommends letting him out of bed, mute or even shut down. "At least at the end of the day, you should allow a good night's sleep. Messages need not be answered immediately. No need to stay connected 24 hours a day, "argues the teacher.



By (Augusto Briglia)

Via Business Insider



Data: 17/12/2013

De: Ingrid Oliveira

Assunto: Sono

Vixeee... Se eu não tenho, acho q terei isso ai... kkkkk...
Não tem jeito, é vício dormir com o cel do lado.

Data: 17/12/2013

De: Patrícia Carvalho

Assunto: Re:Sono

Cuidado Ingrid e todos os amantes em dormir com celular, saiam disso em quanto é tempo srsrrs...

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